Bravely Love Vessel Foundation

"Born is not to stay but leave a spirit message only"

The Bejana Kasih Bravely Foundation, better known as the Bravely Foundation, was taken from the middle name of Jonan Bravely O’Dachi, the 3rd son of a married couple, Mr. Barugamuri and Ms. Lidia K. Dachi, who is also the founder of this Foundation. Momentum in commemorating the exact 5 (five) years of the birth and the day of the passing of their beloved son to their Father in Heaven, the Bravely Foundation was established which continues to this day.

J. Bravely O’Dachi, who was born and returned to his Creator on February 18, 2016, has left a spiritual message – Spirit Message – so powerful to the family that the Braverly Foundation was established to run as a response and dedication to his family and all those who love him. and remembering this brave little angel and being moved in the same mission through social activities and caring for others in need.

Born is not to stay but leave a spirit message only” – this is a strengthening spiritual message received by this family so that they respond with gratitude because God has allowed them to experience such an extraordinary experience even though this family is still relatively young at that time. Since then, this family has learned to respond to God’s love in their lives through service and care starting from small and simple things. After 5 years later, the Bravely Foundation based its mission of activities with the spirit of ‘Sharing for Thousand Colors’. We hope that through this Foundation, we can share thousands of forms of caring for others and inspire anyone to continue to share love with others.

Currently, Bravely Foundation has 4 (four) main programs currently running, namely:

If you are all moved by the spirit of togetherness, we are happy to welcome it by donating whatever blessing it is through an existing account or you can also become our partner – (1)Donate for Bravely Mission; (2) Bravely’s Mission Partner – to support these programs.

If you need more information, please contact us on the line we have provided.

WA: 0877 7597 0992
Facebook: @BravelyFoundation
Instagram: @Bravely.Foundation

Yayasan Bejana Kasih Bravely | Bravely Foundation
Rekening Bank BNI (IDR) No: 318 02 200 63

God bless us all